Administrative arrangements
When concluding an agreement on social insurance, the
contracting states prescribe that, in the aim of a more
efficient and comprehensive implementation of the agreement,
the competent authorities or liaison bodies shall mutually
agree on the measures for the implementation of the agreement,
which is to be carried out through concluding administrative
agreements or arrangements.
Such implementation acts, are, most often, to be concluded
concurrently with the main agreement, and are to come into
force on the same day as the agreement on social insurance.
The titles of these acts differ depending on the field
they cover (retirement, health or unemployment insurance)
and on the practice which the contracting states have in
relation to concluding such documents. Common titles of
the agreements are "Administrative Agreement for the
Implementation of the Agreement….." or "Administrative
Arrangement on the Implementation of the Agreement…." etc.
The essence of concluding an agreement (an arrangement)
for the implementation of an agreement is to prescribe
and regulate, in detail, the procedures for the liaison
bodies, insurance institutions, insured persons and beneficiaries
in the field of retirement and disability insurance, health
insurance and unemployment insurance. The aim of concluding
such agreements or arrangements is a fast and quality implementation
of certain provisions of the main agreement.
This category also includes the implementation acts which
are, for the same purpose, concluded by the liaison bodies
of the contracting states . They can be the instruments
aimed at, for example, regulating the coverage of health
care expenses, using forms or certain documents in the
implementation of the agreement on social insurance, etc.
Agreements on social insurance concluded by the Republic
of Serbia are to be published by the Official Gazette,
by having the Law on Agreement Ratification published.
However, common practice is not to publish the agreements
(arrangements) on the implementation of agreements in the
Official Gazette, although in certain cases it has been
done concomitantly with the publication of the main agreement,
by having the Regulation on the Ratification of the Agreement
on the Implementation of the Agreement published.
We would like to emphesise that for the implementation
of the agreements with Libya and Panama administrative
agreements i.e. arrangements on their enforcement were
not concluded.
Austria |
Azerbaijan |
AZ |
Australia |
Belgium |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
China |
Croatia |
Czechia |
Cyprus |
Danmark |
France |
Germany |
Greece |
Hungary |
Italy |
Luxembourg |
Montenegro |
North Macedonia |
Nederland |
Norway |
Quebec |
Romania |
Russian Federation |
Slovаkia |
Slovenia |
Switzerland |
Tunisia |
Turkey |